Princeton Jct, NJ, Sept 2, 2011 Just in time for the College season, Rapidsoft Systems announces the launch of CampusXchange Network ( an online platform for students to exchange used textbooks, class notes, test papers and other items that students want to pass on. The rising cost of text books is a major concern for all students and their parents. This platform allows students to obtain books from other users in their university and departments. No hassles of shipping or renting a book - just take the book from your seniors who took the same course before you. If you are lucky, you can get a book that you need even for free!
The campusXchange platform can be accessed at
CampusXchange Network is a public website with the purpose of connecting textbook buyers and sellers so that they may purchase or sell their books in person or through the mail. The intended audience is individual college students, though anyone may use the site to buy and/or sell used or new textbooks. The other exchange features are being released shortly. With those features students will be able share their study material to get extra help to enhance their understanding of the subject.
CampusXchange Network is unique among other textbook sales websites in that it provides a way for users to find other students within their own school, program of study, and/or geographic area. This allows users the option to complete transactions in person and avoid the hassles and fees involved in shipping and online payment methods. It allows sellers to leave a book available for sale indefinitely (as opposed to a fixed-length auction site). Sellers may also set a desired price and accept or reject offers.
The rising cost of higher education means higher financial burden on everyone. Paying for a higher education these days is not easy. In addition to paying today's steep tuition prices, students are required to invest in prescribed text books. At the end of the term, once they're done with those books, they're of no use to them anymore. That was until now. Instead of making that money sit on the bookshelves, they could now sell those textbooks to their friends that will take the same course in the next term. It will get them extra cash that they can use to buy other text books for their new courses. This is a win-win situation for everyone. The CampusXchange aims to reduce the cost to successfully complete their studies.
Commenting on the development, Mr. Gurbinder Mavi, VP of Sales and Marketing for Rapidsoft Systems said, "We believe that CampusXchange meets a well defined need for students in today's campus. Both parents and students are looking ways to reduce the burden of textbooks costs. The deployment of CampusXchange platform is our effort to help to meet these objectives in this difficult economic times. I am confident that parents will be happy to see that their children can now buy the books locally and save money. " .
Rapidsoft Systems ( is an emerging global leader in software and product development services, a knowledge driven company that values transparent business practices and provides comprehensive solutions to its global clients. Rapidsoft Systems provides software development, product design, IT consulting, and outsourced software development and product testing services. It has a subsidiary, Mobisoft Technologies ( dedicated to mobile applications.
Rapidsoft Systems, Inc. has its main office in Princeton, NJ, USA, a US R&D Center in Mercerville NJ, and sales, support and development offices in Palo Alto, CA, USA, Singapore, Dubai (UAE), Bombay, and Noida (India).
Rapidsoft Systems, Inc. competence lies in its ability to offer full software product lifecycle services in verticals such as Mobile, Networking, Healthcare, OSS, VoIP, Embedded, Business Intelligence, Security, Finance, Logistics, Web 2.0 Social Networking, Media & Entertainment, Gaming, Travel & Hospitality, Education & Training, Web Applications and Retail. Its technology expertise includes Java/J2EE, C/C++, Ruby on Rails, RDMS, Open Source, SaaS/On-Demand, Siebel CRM, J2ME, Google Android, Qulcomm Brew, iPhone, Palm Pre, Windows Mobile, Flashlite and Symbian platforms.
Contact Information
RapidSoft Systems, Inc.
Mr. Manny Srivastava
+1 609 439 4775
For Additional Info: Gurbinder Mavi, VP Sales and Marketing.